The Malle Mile, the combined custom and hill-climb event held in the grounds of Kevington Hall in London, billed as ‘the greatest and most inappropriate motorcycle race in the country’, is back for the weekend of 29th June-1st July.
It’s a celebration of the motorcycle in all forms, with a non-stop programme of very inappropriate motorcycle racing, including a sprint, a hill-climb, and motopolo, and there are classes for novices, lightweights (scooters, mopeds and bikes under 200cc), vintage scramblers, classics (pre ’76), electric bikes, ladies and customs. There’s also live music, a custom exhibition, brand retail/exhibitions, and the now legendary Mile after-party.
Tickets cost from £40 for a day pass or £75 for a weekend, and you can get more info from
Malle Mile is back this summer
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