The best of the best, we reveal the BSH Custom Champs winners! The brand new December issue of Back Street Heroes magazine has it all!
Back Street Heroes cover all styles of custom bikes; choppers, bobbers, streetfighters, trikes cafe racers, street scramblers, flat trackers, brats and rats… to name just a few.

We also go to custom biker lifestyle events big and small, all over the country and across Europe, to give a true flavour of the custom bike scene.
Enjoy more Back Street Heros reading in the monthly magazine.
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Back Street Heroes magazine features technical articles on bike building and maintenance, readers’ pictures, and all the latest custom bike news and products – plus much, more besides. The December issue includes:
Best Chopper
I saw this bike on eBay in 2014, and instantly became obsessed!
Slammed softail
As I’m sure you know, biking is getting older. The average age of a BSH reader is 57, and everywhere you go where there are bikers it’s a plain that we, as a sub-culture, are predominantly wrinklies. Not all of us though…
Best engineering
Dave Tarner’s sponson-style turbo bandit.
Plus loads more in the UK’s best-selling and best custom bike title, Back Street Heroes magazine!