This bike was 2 years in the making and went through around 4000000000 direction changes throughout the process.
It started with a donor hardtail frame that had springers, a god awful tank and an engine that we had no idea was any good or not.
After starting work with what we had and changing to a one off upside down front end and buying lots of parts (thanks to Carter Harris of attitude cycles for all his hard work and guidance) we decided quite a way in that it sat too high and just wasn’t working.
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In stepped Simon Harris (Attitude cycles) who started by building a complete new frame with a goose neck and much nicer lines than the ironing board frame I had to begin with.
From there Simon and the guys at Attitude moved on with finishing the bike, and I’m over the moon with how it turned out, however much like the bike’s nickname (given by my wife) Change of Plan I’m soon going to be changing the front end again back to a set of springers.

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