Take a look at the best custom bikes of old in the September issue of Back Street Heroes!

Back Street Heroes covers all styles of custom bikes; choppers, bobbers, streetfighters, trikes, cafe racers, street scramblers, flat trackers, brats and rats… to name just a few.
We also go to custom biker lifestyle events big and small, all over the country and across Europe, to give a true flavour of the custom bike scene.
Enjoy more Back Street Heros reading in the monthly magazine.
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The Back Street Heroes magazine features technical articles on bike building and maintenance, readers’ pictures, and all the latest custom bike news and products – plus much, much more besides. Oh, and the staffers are all bikers, too.
Here’s a glance at what we’ve lined up for you this month…
H-D 120th Anniversary
The biggest European Harley bunfight!
Triumph 5TA
Triumph that might make you run to the hills
NCC Surrey Show
Bosun goes to the first public event of the NCC’s 50th year
VW Trike
One of the most radical in the land!
Plus tons more!
To order the September issue of Back Street Heroes – with FREE UK delivery – click here, or take a look at our subscription offers ready for the next one here.