Treated myself to this gorgeous custom machine for a certain big birthday. It was love at first sight, so drove from Northumberland to Cornwall to pick her up and ride her home. Always turns heads, and she is a dream to ride – smooth, fast and responsive. Just returned from an awesome 3600 mile 7 country tour in Europe and she just sailed round the whole route.
Blue is an American import. She has custom stretched tank, custom rear end and bags, custom paint, chrome everything, power commander fitted, and the Samson fishtails are to die for – lovely deep growl.
As for me I’m a chartered psychologist and senior lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Newcastle University. Been riding since I was 28 years old and love the buzz, freedom, mental escape. Would never ride a machine with a sound system – I like my thoughts and the sound of the bike too much! Love touring – hence the tourer – but also have a 2000 H-D Deuce solo seated in the garage to play on.
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