“The Baron” started off as an FXSTC that I purchased new in 1988. I did over 80k miles & took it off the road in 2006 for a major revamp. Sadly other projects & life in general got in the way & the poor old thing sat in the back of the garage for well over a decade.
Progress was positively ‘glacial’ until my recent retirement which freed up the time to get on with it.
Frame stretched & raked by myself, a bargain RevTech 100″ was purchased from a mate & I designed & drew up dozens of components for machining & fabrication by a handful of very talented engineer friends down here in Cornwall.
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I also made a lot of bits myself mostly out of junk that I had lying around. The legend that is Joeby’s Airbrush Art in Wells did a sterling job on the flame paint scheme & also moulded & painted the frame.
Eventually got it on the road in the spring of ’23 & spent the season ironing out a few annoying niggles.
Kernow Ken

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