My father in law bought this bike from an acquaintance of his many years ago with the intention of putting the engine back into a standard frame but he never got round to it so she sat in a corner of his conservatory for over two decades, when I say corner I mean buried into two other bikes and other motorcycling paraphernalia we acquire over the years.
A few beers led to various discussions and one night after returning from hospital where my missus had a maternity scan in the dusky darkness of our garden there was a slight glint of chrome, I say slight, it was mainly rust…
So began the long journey we all know and love into yet another money bit of British motorcycling history.
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The original builder had done a good job on the frame build and pretty much all the tin work you see is original. He had however got the engine powder coated which was peeling and cracked in some places and stuck solid in others, many happy hours of scrubbing and scraping followed.
Runs well and sounds gorgeous, lots of miles on her now and she rarely misses a beat, just the usual Triumph niggles as we have come to love and expect. Also got a few trophies on the shelf, which is nice.
As for Sid, he’s just a grumpy old bloke.
1978 750 Bonnie Chop Frame, builder unknown, 6″ over forks with slab yokes, Standard Triumph hubs with rear stitched onto 16″ Harley rim by Central Wheels Oil, tank by Joe at Fenland Choppers, Paint Halfords, rattle cans by Sid, Seat by Sid and cover done by Rabbit at Lucky Foot Trimming. Electric box is an eBay special with lithium battery, upgraded charging system to 3 phase with modern reg/rec fitted.
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