Badlands, can-bus elliminator
Gives running light and brakelight function to turn signals and maintains turn signal function. Load equalizer is built-in.
Note: Module will work with CAN-bus controlled motorcycles only.
Illuminator hard wire
513454 11-17 Softail; 12-17 Dyna; all 14-17 models (excl. bikes with run/turn/brake function on rear turn signals)
513459 11-17 Softail; 12-17 Dyna; all 14-17 models. Running lights for front turn-signals only
Illuminator Plug ‘n Play
513456 11-17 Softail FLSTC, FLSTF/B, FLSTN; 11-16 FXST; 12-16 Dyna FXDF, FXDB/P, FXDWG, FXDC/L; 12-16 FLD
513458 14-17 FLHR Road King
513457 All XL models with single center stoplight, either LED or bulb
Badlands, can-bus elliminator
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